
Mostrando entradas de enero, 2016

The heart wants what it wants...

... And I felt like I know him, though, and I know his heart, and I know what he wouldn't do to hurt me....  But I didn't realize that I was feeling so confident, so great about myself and then it just be completely shuttered by one thing... But something so stupid...  But then you make me feel crazy baby I feel like it's my fault... I was in pain... The future that we hold is so unclear, but I'm not alive until you call.... Save your advice cause I won't hear it, you might be righ but I don't care, there's a million reasons why I should give you up... But the heart wants what it wants... Why. Why baby. Why do you treat yourself like you do, why do you punish yourself just for existing.... Why do you harm yourself and be so disciplined and unpermissible with yourself... I know your heart and I know that you're such a good person, and I know your feelings about me because I know you better than you know yourself...  And I hate being the one y