The best year of my life

2017... what a crazy year... Probably one of the best ones of my life. Started off in a very reflexive way, in this very notebook, opening my eyes to a reality that I've been realising more and more throughout the year. This has been the year of learning. Realising things, mostly by myself, about the power of the deicsions we make, the choices we take, and our active role in out own fate. Yes, I believe that, somehow, we are masters of our own destiny, and whatever the circumstances are, we hace the power to move forward and scontrol the sail. I have realised that if I want something to happen, I have to work for it and MAKE IT HAPPEN! I have become a world changer. And I have decided that whatever the change, it's going to be in the right pathway. I want to listen and follow my heart, my mind and my logic, not my habits. No matter the cost. 

It's also been a year of winning. Winning experiences, winning places, and mostly winning people. I could not feel any luckier for the friends, gems, soulmates that 2017 has awarded me with. The beauty of diversity, enriching minds and kind hearts, all over the world, just makes me feel so inspired. Thank you Glasgow, Georgia, Catania, Madrid, for making me cross paths with such wonderful people. I can only hope (more like make it happen) for 2018 to be just as wonderful. Let's keep on being learners, life-livers, world-changers. Let's love ourselves more, let's love our people more, and let's shape and construct our reality, our tomorrow, just like we want it to be. It's up to us how to live our lives. I say we live them till we die. 

There is only one way to triumph over death, and that is by making our lives masterpieces. 


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